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Automatic integrated-winder
The intergrated winder Type ETWA was designed for the use at the stenter exit. The machine is integrated in the stenter exit and can be retrofit in almost every existing stenter. The integrated winder offers you the maximum of performance on a minimum space for a minimum price. The maximum roll-diameter is 700 mm.
Picture: Integrated winder for small rolls ETWA -
full automatic cutting
no loss of production due to reduced production speed during the cutting process
no J-box or other fabrics stores necessary
constante production speed during the winding and the cutting process
full variable fabric friction can be set
automatic length cutting
high production speed during the cutting process (depending on the fabric up to 80 m/min)
simple operation
no steel or aluminium core to fix the cardboard tube necessary
no adhesive tape necessary (except slippy fabric)
one man operation
constant quality
short amortization-time
no extra space is needed
roll diameter up to max. 700 mm